Listening and Speaking has done :)
okay continue to Reading and Writing ...
1.  Melafalkan kosa kata dan frasa baru
2.  Mencari makna kata
3.  Reading nyaring bacaan
4. Mencari informasi

The task is matching the words. It will make the student enthusiastic to do it ..
And then give the students short text ..example :

                                                   My Family
            Hallo friends ! My name is Indra. I am in the fourth grade and study at Ganesha Elementary School. My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital every day. My mother is a teacher and she works in a school. I have one sister. She is six years old. Her name is Nita. I want to be a police if I grow up.

And give the task as :
 Answer the following questions with YES or NO based on the text.
( Jawablah pertanyaan berikut dengan YES atau NO berdasarkan teks!)

1. Is the writer’s name Nita?                                                   (.........)
2. Is his father a chef?                                                             (.........)
3. Is his mother a teacher?                                                      (.........)
4. Does his mother work in a hospital?                                   (.........)
5. Does the writer want to be a dancer?                                 (.........)

 Answer the following questions based on the text above.
( Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini berdasarkan teks di atas)

1. What is the writer’s name?
2. What is his father?
3. Where does his father work?
4. What is his mother?
5. Who is Nita?

 The last skill is Writing .. check this out :)
1. Melengkapi kalimat
2. Membuat kalimat

Complete the sentences below based on the pictures.
so give picture and then they should write what is profession based on the pictures is showed.
second task, the student make sentences based on picture. example : My uncle is a gardener

okay thats all. I hope it's useful for you :)
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